About Us

Kaylee Blair

Having suffered a brain injury herself, Kaylee Blair knows personally the reality of what it means to recover from a brain injury as well as the way it can impact the survivor and their loved ones. Equipped with a Bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science, certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, 2+ years as a Vision Therapist, and her knowledge of EPIC treatment (both as a patient and as a Patient Care Coordinator), Kaylee guides and supports other survivors on their recovery journey.

Bethany Lewis

Bethany has worked as an OT since 2009, and has worked as a Neurological Occupational Therapist for CognitiveFX since 2017. She has seen the effects head injuries can have on people’s lives and the lives of those who love them, and has also seen people experience amazing healing and recovery from many of the symptoms that plague them. She has also experienced and seen in others the incredible positive impact that coaching and intentional thinking can have. She’s thrilled to combine her knowledge of addressing post-concussion symptoms and coaching to truly help people overcome the roadblocks to recovery and to thrive in their daily lives.

Ready To Start?

Get in touch today for a free consultation!